Monday, June 14, 2010


Thoughts after visiting with one of our former coaches:

You’ve been away a while, you came back and visited, and you probably found that our values and mission is the same as it was when you came on as a high school kid and worked as a dish washer to earn your keep. Training is still fun, work is fun and the people who commit to us are great people because they have a love for the game that goes beyond a normal job description. They are the type that ensures that the next generation will have a passion for work and the game.

The Culture of our Camp is subject to change because people “grow out” of our company and new people join, however, the one thing that has remained a constant over the years is the Culture. We are still in the business for the good of the staff and our athletes. We still get our kicks out of people moving on and up in life and the game. This isn’t a blueprint. This has been happening for over forty (40) years because it is our life’s mission tied in to a company whose employees and clients are all on the same mission in life; simply better people first, then players and productive citizens. This is done in a highly productive collaborative working environment that has been in place for years. We’ve always been proud of our passion for the game and feel we’ve done our share of passing it on to our staff and down thru the different generations.

We are proud to say that the Culture of MHC has been formed by some dynamic people over the years. We provide a purpose and direction with company character. Our staff and clients learn to appreciate all that the camp stands for and all should have no problem resurfacing after adversity.

“Purging negatives and positives (prominence) is a skill and way of life for those who succeed. We call it a Goaltender’s Mentality because they excel @ this skill. Chances to redeem/repeat are a priority. I’ve reached the conclusion that purging successful moments, and building on the golden moments, is more difficult than purging negatives. We tend to live off, versus build on, the good things a little longer. It’s easier to rid ourselves of things we don’t like.”

We are in the process of reinventing the company to stay in tune with the new generations of clientele. We are going to make a better effort to mentor those who work with us so we can build on the legacy and culture developed over the past thirty (30) years @ MHC. Our Template for Success has had some WOW times when presented over the years. It has always been a “work in progress” and we are working @ making a better tool out of the Template.

The rewards fm working @ MHC usually are moving on and up in the game and life. This is our primary objective and we do it with the wish that those rewarded think enough of our purpose to send new clients our way. Money is not the motive; this is something that evolves over time. Pro athletes understand it better but we are certain the same as happened with our staff and other clients. As owners, we believe we have always stayed connected to the world of those who work with us. Our goal and wish has always been a better life for all who work with us and we continue to work hard to make that happen. Leading smart is one way to ensure that all who come here are respected for their contributions and that gives them incentive to contribute.

Our Pastor made an interesting comment @ church service on June 13, 2010. He talked about what we call the “skill to step out of yourself and bring others in to your life”. If our life is mentoring, this is far more important than any X & O system people refer to, and something we’ve done unconditionally prior to our first whistle in practice. There will be no X’s and O’s if we are incapable of reaching out to others for all the right reasons.

We’ve had more than our share of employees who came to MHC with the idea of sharing their ideas and growing in a group that cared about each other. This gets extended to those in their group. It’s easier to do what we did yesterday, easy to wake up every morning to be who we are. We’ve always found purpose and meaning to urge others to become what we believe they can be. Great mentors embolden people. MHC has a value system for training that is unmatched in our society. This isn’t a statement. This is something that has been lived for over thirty (30) years @ Minnewawa Lodge. We have walked the talk and the words. We’ve always believed that work here has been satisfying, rewarding and fun. Learning to work hard can be fun and rewarding in a world of mediocrity resigned to forty (40) hour, or less, work weeks. Those willing to pay a price, and laugh their way through it, find it easy in a world of fast bucks, easy bucks and quick fixes. Values learned and passed on are incentive to sustain and build on everything we work for.

We are in the business to build a better person and player. We have developed, and redeveloped, a Template for Success program that will serve our employees and clients now and in the future. This defines the character of MHC and those who have, and will, work here.
We believe in giving unproven people opportunity. Our coaches are hired because of their ability to adapt to management as well as the players, personalities and level of play they have encountered @ every stage of their career.

We like strong leaders, a successful person, one who can sell the training and the game to the players. It’s all about a “system” that takes in to account the personalities that are dealt to the coach. This is totally unlike the word “system” we are used to reading about; and some coaches even brag about. While I see a high tempo, energetic game being the way the new breed likes to play, I’m assuming they like to be aggressive and up tempo in both games; offense and defense. Yet, it still comes down to actual people; each individual player is an actual person reacting to your ability to build a team with the assets they bring to the team as well as the respect they have for each team member’s unique skills.

We have talked about “talking with” vs “talking to”. It’s never been our way or the highway. It’s always been, “We believe every person has unique skills that can add to the character and identity of a team.” When we mention team, it could be the MHC team, the team we coach or the team during the regular season. This unique skill of stepping outside of ourselves and impacting others is found in those with a very high caring and sharing level. They do it unconditionally and their careers and legacy continue to grow every day they adhere to these principles. This will show up @ some point with both players and coaches and will ultimately determine the level of success. “Winning starts when sharing and caring are viewed as a prerequisite to being part of a team.”

Clairene and I know this is how we’ve lived our life together over the past 40 years, especially the 9 to 10 weeks every summer over those 40 years, and I am one who believes we will leave a legacy equal to most anyone who made athletics a way of life. What I’m saying is: “It works and we end up being the beneficiary when it comes down to all the memories and internal wealth one acquires in this profession. The neatest thing is we get to take it all with us when our life’s journey is over. This is our wish for everyone who ever sets foot on these grounds.”

“You don’t have to be highly skilled, rich and famous to leave a legacy and story to tell. The truth lies in the success stories @ MHC.”

The “skill to serve others”, “skill to step out of yourself and bring others in to your life” and “skill to express your skills” are three unique skills that are acquirable. They are three new and exciting ways to enhance the Template; things we’ve done but never took the time to describe it.

It’s about exceeding expectations after they sign up for a camp they have heard, or read, about. It's about going beyond your job description. The consumer has to feel our passion for what we are selling and this is done through caring and sharing. We always talk about value paid, value received. Our goal is to give them more than they paid for. If we do something wrong, we will make it right; starting with an apology.

We empower our staff to do things within the guidelines of our Culture. One good measure of our personnel would be how many people would stay on and work if they won the lottery? We know we would not only continue the legacy; we would kick in monies to upgrade the facility and programs.

Copyright by Chuck Grillo, Minnesota Hockey Camps, 24621 So Clark Lake, Rd P.O. Box 90, Nisswa, MN 56468-0090 Phone 218.96.2444 Fax 218.963.2325 Email All rights are reserved. No part of this book, blog OR template may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without permission in writing from Minnesota Hockey Camps

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