Monday, October 25, 2010

Hope, Help, Belief, Nurture

Hope, Belief, Nurture

The word Hope, like all players, needs support. Hope with the words critique, support, help, nurture, belief, opportunity, more nurturing, all sprinkled in, is one of the greatest words in sports.

Words, like people, need support to have meaning. Doses of reality are fine when applied properly.

Hope diminishes as staffs grow in numbers until a staff begins to operate like the great teams that grew because each person recognized the unique assets of their colleagues and it all comes together

Hope, like luck, isn't random. There are support words that enhance chances of Hope becoming aspirations and dreams come true.

Hope, Help, Belief & Love: Four (4) of the greatest words in sports and life. Intertwined they become the most powerful. Hope supported by helping others help themselves creates a synergy in an organization that you can feel and it runs right though you.

Hope is an important part of the equation when you recruit or draft a player. Hope is a big deal in sports. I met a guy in this business years ago that told me he was going to minimize the word Hope in the process of recruiting, scouting and drafting. I listened with an open mind and looked forward to the day we were going to revolutionize the world of recruiting and scouting. I’ve had others since, that I respect, come up with some practical predictability solutions that help minimize but we will never eliminate the word. Most important, let’s find a way to work with it.

Hope goes beyond Hoping the players make it. Hope starts with recruiters and scouts hoping people on the staff have the talent to teach, help, nurture and believe with an open mind, heart, and eyes. Hope is hoping there is a caring level beyond most. Hope is belief and knowing that the recruiting and scouting staff saw something in the player and person worth nurturing. Where would we be without Hope?

If Hope is Belief with a lot of Love and determination, I'm good with that. It will work.

Copyright by Chuck Grillo, Minnesota Hockey Camps, 24621 So Clark Lake, Rd P.O. Box 90, Nisswa, MN 56468-0090 Phone 218.96.2444 Fax 218.963.2325
Email: All rights are reserved. No part of this book, blog OR template may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without permission in writing from Minnesota Hockey Camps

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