Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lord Stanley’s Cup set to arrive in Brainerd Lakes Area on Friday Oct 23rd!

Chuck “Gringo” Grillo is part of the Pittsburgh Penguins staff and an owner of Minnesota Hockey Camps. We will be celebrating the Penguins Stanley Cup winning season @ Minnesota Hockey Camps and the Brainerd Lakes Area when the Cup arrives in the early afternoon on the 23rd of October.

While a special day for Gringo, who has been under contract in the NHL for 29 years, he has a totally different outlook and reason for wanting the Cup. Yes, this is the first celebration he has had with Lord Stanley’s Cup. Yes, MHC is very excited to celebrate this moment @ their camp.

“Being a part of a Stanley Cup winner is a very humbling experience. You immediately think of all the reasons you had this opportunity when the buzzer goes off. Included in those thoughts are all those I’ve been fortunate to meet, teammates, compete against and work with over the years. This includes all of the athletes and parents we’ve met through our camp as well as those we worked with, mentored and taught while in the teaching profession and in the NHL. Without key people in my life, I have no chance of having a successful teaching and coaching career and I certainly would never have been able to get to the point where I was able to carve out a 30 year career in the NHL and be a proud owner of a special hockey camp for athletes.

People with the skill to express their skills on and off the ice have been the springboard for all the success I’ve enjoyed in my adult life. I will forever be grateful to those who had an impact on my career. They, along with countless success stories @ our Camp, have been a source of inspiration over the years.”

Environment, effort and experiences have a way of building the foundation that affects our lives. Minnesota Hockey Camps has 10,000 lakes as a background setting, 10,000 repetitions for skills to become habitual and 10,000 hours of hockey specific training that defines the player; and ultimately the person. Compile those numbers, think and believe big and big things will happen.

Having told thousands of athletes to “dream and believe big” for too many years to remember, he believes this promises to be a special day for reasons far beyond the person who won the right to have the Cup.

“Good teammates recognize that special moments are not about the person. The Cup experience is more about the people you can impact, or those who simply enjoy the Cup, than the person who has it. I find that the Championship Ring is the same. Seeing the joy on the faces of those having an experience with this “Worldly Treasure” will be a highlight of the day for me. When the results are in, my wish is the Cup touches the hearts of as many people as possible and the memories are forever. We are doing this for all the right reasons.”

Minnesota Hockey Camps has joined the internet craze. We have become members of Facebook and Twitter. Join our “Friends” on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter. We will be posting player updates, workout tips, games we will be watching and many more topics. Be sure to include your achievements and those of your teammates.

We wish all of you the best of luck as your season gets underway. If you love what we have to offer, tell the world; if you don’t, tell us. “The campers are in charge of our destiny.” Share your MHC experiences with your teammates and friends. If you went through our camp working hard with a smile on your face, bring a friend just like you. If you left us a better person, teammate and player, we are grateful. The players who attend make the camp the success it has been over the years. Without you, we have no camp. You, with a friend or two, make it better.
See you online and in the rinks!

-Ole Gringo

ã copyright Chuck Grillo, Minnesota Hockey Camps
24621 So Clark Lake Rd P.O. Box 90 Nisswa, MN 56468-0090
Phone 218.96.2444 Fax 218.963.2325 Email
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No part of this blog, book OR template may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without permission in writing from Minnesota Hockey Camps

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